“Using the Past to Challenge the Present and Imagine the Future of Urban Public Spaces.”
Claiming the Streets.
Platform & 2022 Conference
City streets are a quintessential social space and key site of contestation and emancipation. Different academic disciplines, professionals, artists and activists engage with city streets as social spaces. However, they are at best loosely connected, and more often disconnected or not even aware of each other’s work. Unique opportunities for mutual inspiration and collaboration are thus lost.
This (developing) platform aims to change this by enabling an encounter between hitherto separate enquiries into the past, present and future of city streets as social spaces, and between academic enquiries and practice experiences. We aim to enable both place-based events and ongoing digital exchanges, and started with our kick-off conference that took place in Amsterdam in June 2022.

We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers. Meet the people involved in this project.
Find out more about different research projects connected to the Claiming the Streets Platform.
2022 Conference
Read more about the 2022 Claiming the Streets conference.